It would seem that no matter how extreme the occasion is, the sport or the activity, a GoPro will never fail to capture the moment. Whether you are surfing, skydiving or even free climbing ridiculously high buildings with no safety gear the GoPro enables you to easily capture the moment in either video footage or photographs.
Here are 33 incredible photos taken with a GoPro.

photo by Caleb Farro
photo by Kirill Oreshkin
photo by Mike Escamilla
photo by Patrick Dorian
photo by Felix Wiemers
photo by Kelly Slater
photo by Sarah Lee
photo by Bucky Lasek
photo by Mike Escamilla
photo by unknown
photo by Kyle Redington
photo by Gysi Roger
photo by daily_gopro
photo by Rúben Pedro
photo by Chase Olson
photo by Kyle Redington
photo by Scott Mason
photo by Travis Burke
photo by Lonnie Kauk
photo by Hugh Grandstaff
photo by Mike Escamilla
photo by Alison Teal
photo by Nicolas Galdo
photo by Isk Zakaria
photo by Giufo Soulboarder
photo by Nate Adams
photo by Scott McDaniel
photo by Keith Mui
photo by unknown
photo by Denis Kirichenko
photo by Jake Kelsick
photo by Zack Altschuler
photo by Quan Ha