The aquapark ” Tropical islands ” (Tropical Islands Resort) has settled down in 60 kilometers from German capital in three kilometers from little town Brand, in territory of the greatest in the former GDR a milit@ry air base.The complex « Tropical islands » works the year round, 365 days in a year, 24 hours per day. At the same time here can have a rest 8200 person.Here you can feel yourselves on seacoast, in tropical to a garden, swim for a while in huge pools, have a good time in a miracle-aquapark. In the center it is possible to see a cathedral. Besides it in territory there is even a small village consisting of several thematic zones- “Thailand”, “Malaysia”, “Bali”, “Polynesia”, “Congo” and “Amazon”. In each of them there is a cafe where dishes of national kitchen move.In an aquapark the tropical climate is created. Here the temperature of air not below 25 degrees, water ? 28 degrees is supported. Humidity ? about 55 percent.