7. They groom or preen you
Licking and nibbling are typically indicative of what the pet perceives as a grooming session. By cleaning you, they’re showing you they care about you. Think about that next time you’re covered in their saliva.
8. They try to nurse you back to health
Our pets notice a lot more than we give them credit for. Often, they’ll notice there’s something wrong with you when you’re sick and will show concern by fussing over you, sitting on your chest, licking your face and more.
9. They seem serene around you
If your pet approaches you only to take a nap, what it’s telling you is that they trust you to watch over them. They feel safe with you. Cats will also slowly blink their eyes at you, conveying that they know you won’t hurt them.
10. They acknowledge your call
The plainest way pets do this is by straight-up coming to you when you call them, but we all know cats can be… obstinate about doing things their way. Regardless, even cats have their ways to acknowledge your call, such as looking at you or meowing back at you. Often, they’ll even make as if to come to you, only to veer off at the last moment. Cats, they’re a mystery.
11. They’re distressed when you leave
They start whining when you’re packing your bags for a trip, climbing inside the suitcases, or sitting on them. They understand the ritual of packing up and what follows it, and they’re trying to keep you from leaving. It definitely makes it harder to break their heart.