Most of these ?slugs? are actually snails that have lost their shells and gained new characteristics through evolution. For example, sacoglossans are sometimes called ?solar-powered sea slugs? because they use chloroplasts from the algae they eat in their own tissue.
Blue Angel (Glaucus Atlanticus) Blue Angel (Glaucus Atlanticus)
Phyllodesmium Poindimiei
Janolus Fuscus
Cadlinella Ornatissima
Dirona Albolineata
Hypselodoris Kanga
Sea Bunny (Acanthodoris Pilosa)
Cyerce Nigricans
Leaf Slug (Elysia Chlorotica)
Lettuce Sea Slug (Elysia Crispata)
Flabellina Iodinea
Chromodoris Alius
Janolus Barbarensis
Hypselodoris Apolegma