Meet the Blue Dragon, one of the little known in the world?s strangest and most wonderful animals. The name of this creature of mythical aspect is atlanticus Glaucus, or slug blue sea, and is much smaller than his brothers fictional tradition ( it has about one or two inches in length). They spend their topsy ? turvy life, attached to the surface of the water and floating at the mercy of winds and ocean currents. A blue color, it is mixed with water in order to camouflage themselves in their surroundings.

Tiny Real-Life ?Dragon? Makes A Stunning Rare Appearance, Though small, these baby dragons are also dangerous: they feed on poisonous jellyfish Portuguese caravel, which means that an ocean without them would be an ocean with a lot of poisonous jellyfish. Stored stinging cells collected from these cnidarians within its own tissues, and use them as a defense about anything that bothers them. Manipulating a small blue dragon could result in a painful and possibly dangerous sting. Although rarely seen by humans, one of these specimens of alien appearance was captured on video after he washed the sand in Queensland, Australia.

The scientific name of this creature of mythical aspect is Glaucus Atlanticus, or slug blue sea