Possums and opossums look almost identical, however, they’re different species. Possums are found in Australia, while opossums inhabit the US. It would be hard to believe looking at their photos, but these marsupials are generally disliked and considered pests.
I mean, come on, how could you not like them? Be it possum or opossum, they are both oh-so-adorable! What do you think? Vote for and comment on the pics below to let us know! You can upload your photos, too.
2 Baby Opossums Hanging From Branch
3 Not Everything In Australia Is Out To Kill, Meet Our Pygmy Possum

4 Happy Possum
5 Possum Mom
6 Pygmy Possum
7 Baby Opossum
8 Juvenile Western Pygmy Possum
9 Baby Possum
10 My Little Sister Found A Baby Opossum In Our Backyard

11 Cute Possum
12 Ever Feel Really Weighed Down?
13 Orphaned Baby Possum Sleeping
14 This Orphaned Baby Possum Won’t Stop Hugging Its Toy Kangaroo

15 Baby Possum
16 Petunia The Possum Rocking Her Hoodie
17 Possum Mommy
18 Angry Possum
19 Barney Barnwell Waits With His Possum, George
20 Pet Possum On Tree Stump
21 Possum Lady
22 Common Brushtail Possum
23 White-Eared Baby Opossum
24 Cute Baby Possum
25 Greater Glider Possum
26 Possum
27 Baby Possum
28 Lulu The Opossum
29 White-Eared Opossum
30 Opossum At The Bird Feeder
31 Possum Baby
32 Young Opossum On Mossy Log
33 Funny Possum
34 Ring Tail Possum
35 Tell Me About It
36 Snuggly Short-tailed Opposum