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Complex Mesmerising GIFs By Dave Whyte

Complex Mesmerising GIFs By Dave Whyte

We have featured gifs similar to this before however Dave Whyte?s creations continue to stand out from the crowd as some of the most impressive mathematically inspired gifs on the internet. Whyte is currently a PhD student in Dublin studying the physics of foam. He continues to push the boundaries of what is possible with these short animations which he creates using the Processing programming language.

You can check out plenty more gifs by Whyte on his Tumblr, Bees & Bombs, which is updated daily.

Complex Mesmerising GIFs By Dave Whyte

Complex Mesmerising GIFs By Dave Whyte

Complex Mesmerising GIFs By Dave Whyte

Complex Mesmerising GIFs By Dave Whyte

Complex Mesmerising GIFs By Dave Whyte

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