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Fun Cloud Photography And Playing With Forced Perspective

People Playing With Clouds for Fun Cloud Photography

Fun Cloud Photography And Playing With Forced Perspective

Cloud watching?s OK, but these days it?s Fun Cloud Photography that?s all the rage. We collected these photos of people creating clever and playful photos with clouds to show you just how fun and easy it can be.

In addition to a camera and suitable weather, you?ll need a vivid imagination. You?ll be engaged in pareidolia, which is our psychological propensity towards giving some sort of meaning to random stimuli. (usually images).

Fun Cloud Photography And Playing With Forced Perspective

Fun Cloud Photography And Playing With Forced Perspective

Fun Cloud Photography And Playing With Forced Perspective

Fun Cloud Photography And Playing With Forced Perspective

Fun Cloud Photography And Playing With Forced Perspective

Fun Cloud Photography And Playing With Forced Perspective

Fun Cloud Photography And Playing With Forced Perspective

Fun Cloud Photography And Playing With Forced Perspective

Fun Cloud Photography And Playing With Forced Perspective

Fun Cloud Photography And Playing With Forced Perspective

Fun Cloud Photography And Playing With Forced Perspective

Fun Cloud Photography And Playing With Forced Perspective

Fun Cloud Photography And Playing With Forced Perspective

Fun Cloud Photography And Playing With Forced Perspective

Fun Cloud Photography And Playing With Forced Perspective

Fun Cloud Photography And Playing With Forced Perspective

Fun Cloud Photography And Playing With Forced Perspective

Fun Cloud Photography And Playing With Forced Perspective

Clouds have been a source of wonder for all of time. In fact, the first written record of people discussing clouds comes from as far back as 3,000 BC. One cloud can look like 500 different things depending on who is looking at it and from what angle. Clouds can resemble a bird, a heart, or maybe even a pair of angel wings.

But what is a cloud really? Clouds are masses of frozen crystals or liquid droplets that contain water and a variety of chemicals. When it rains, snows, or hails the water falls directly from the clouds. Together these particles form, suspended 60,000 feet up out in the atmosphere in a variety of sizes and shapes.

When the sun sets and rises, red, orange, and pink clouds are likely to occur due to the light playing against the puffy clouds. Clouds are incredible, they make life on earth possible, offer shade from the sun, and are simply beautiful no matter what time of day they appear in the sky.

By taking photos just so, clouds and everyday items can look like they are one in the same, even though they are thousands of feet apart. Check out these pictures to see what I mean. You can have a whole lot of fun playing with clouds and forced perspective!

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