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The Coolest Mesmerizing Looped GIFs

The Coolest Mesmerizing Looped GIFs

These are some of the coolest perfectly looped GIFs that we have ever seen, and they have all been created by artist Erdal Inci. Using 50 percent surreal videoart and 50 percent performance art he is able to create some beautiful GIFs like the ones below.

From the artist:

I realized that if you clone a recorded performance contiguously it will become perpetual. So that you can see all the time phases of the same performance in a small amount of time like 1 or 2 seconds. This gives you the chance of thinking like a choreographer with a mass crew or painter who fills its frame not in forms and colour but motion. At this point I could tell I am inspired by patterns in traditional arts & crafts , dance and repetition. Motion, performance and real environments are the outlines of the work.

You can check out plenty more of his work on Tumblr, Vimeo and Instagram.

The Coolest Mesmerizing Looped GIFs

The Coolest Mesmerizing Looped GIFs

The Coolest Mesmerizing Looped GIFs

The Coolest Mesmerizing Looped GIFs

The Coolest Mesmerizing Looped GIFs

The Coolest Mesmerizing Looped GIFs

The Coolest Mesmerizing Looped GIFs

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