
The Intricate Artwork Of Craig Alan

At a first glance, these celebrity portraits appear to have been created from aerial photographs of dozens of people. Take a closer look. The following portraits are actually a series of paintings, created by Atlanta-based artist Craig Alan, who painted each and every one of the tiny people – all with microscopic clothes, faces and shadows, together forming one spectacular portrait. Let’s take a look at some of his intricate artwork.

1. Here, Craig Alan recreates the face of Marilyn Monroe.

The Intricate Artwork Of Craig Alan

2. This is his portrait of Michael Jackson.

The Intricate Artwork Of Craig Alan

3. His spectacular portrait of Elvis Presley.

The Intricate Artwork Of Craig Alan

4. His stunning version of Audrey Hepburn.

The Intricate Artwork Of Craig Alan

5. All of the mystery of James Dean is captured here.

The Intricate Artwork Of Craig Alan

6. The Statue of Liberty is full of detail.

The Intricate Artwork Of Craig Alan

7. Here, he captured the essence of Jesus.

The Intricate Artwork Of Craig Alan

8. A detailed look at the people in his images.

The Intricate Artwork Of Craig Alan

9. An accurate portrait of George Washington.

The Intricate Artwork Of Craig Alan

10. A close up of a pair of lips.

The Intricate Artwork Of Craig Alan

11. Pictured here, Abraham Lincoln.

The Intricate Artwork Of Craig Alan

12. A beautiful portrait of John Lennon.

The Intricate Artwork Of Craig Alan

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