Since Beaker the duck, or Bee, joined the Young family when he was just a little duckling, he became best friends with his little human Tyler. They?re so close that Tyler?s first word was even ?duck?!
The Texas household has 11 ducks. ?When Tyler was about 9 months old my husband was buying duck food and saw Beaker,? explained Jennifer. ?He brought him home and from that day forward he hasn?t left Tyler?s side. If he cries, Bee quacks and runs to him.?
?Bee steals snacks when Tyler isn?t looking, they play outside together, go to the park together, enjoy wagon rides together, and Bee is always supervising bath time,? the mom added. ?I never pictured myself having a pet duck that lives inside. But it?s amazing to see these two in action.?
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?When Tyler was 9 months old my husband?brought him home and from that day he hasn?t left Tyler?s side?

They became best friends and Tyler?s first word was even ?duck?!

?It?s no different than a dog, really. Bee sleeps inside and wears a diaper during the day?

?Bee is extremely protective of my son. If he cries, Bee quacks and runs to him?

?If he hears him wake up from his nap he will run to his door and make a scene, wanting to go see his boy?

?These two do EVERYTHING together?
?From the time these two get up till the time they go to bed, it?s chaos?

?Bee steals snacks when Tyler isn?t looking?
?They play outside together, go to the park together, enjoy wagon rides together?

?Tyler always wants to know where Beaker is, and he loves to play in his ballpit with his duck duck?

?He loves his Beaker, and he will tell you just that?
?I never pictured myself having a pet duck that lives inside?
?But it?s amazing to see these two in action?