The Bergmönch folding backpack bicycle makes it super-easy for sports enthusiasts to enjoy a multi-sport day outdoors. The design, geared towards mountaineers and hikers, includes a folding mechanism that keeps the bicycle backpack small and lightweight at 9.0 kg. (including backpack). When not in use, the Bergmönch rests comfortably on the back, giving easy access to equipment and provisions in the backpack. It takes less than two minutes to covert the backpack into a fully spring-mounted downhill bicycle.

Now here’s a bicycle that would do well in areas like San Francisco where the hills roll on and on ? the Cykle. This is a project that is modeled on the Bike Share systems which have already gained a measure of popularity around Europe by using the best of both muscle and electric power to get you to your destination. What are steep slopes to you now that the Cykle is able to switch over to electric mode while you enjoy the scenery all around you? The Cykle was specially built to be low to zero maintenance, featuring solid over-mold tires that do away with the possibility of flats, alongside a fully enclosed drivetrain that ensures you will never get oil on your legs or clothes ever again when cycling.

Combining the idea of a shopping cart and a bicycle Korean designer Jaebeom Jeong has come up with Cartrider. His design was influenced by the scene at a supermarket where parents often put their children in a shopping cart while shopping. The Cartrider can be driven by children to do their own shopping.

Grasshopper is a foldable electric bicycle that turns into a trolley for easy transport. The use of composite materials provides rigidity and strength. The aim of the design is to satisfy those who like to bicycle in normal, everyday life but live in places/cities where the configuration of the terrain is too severe. The target market is mainly composed of active people with environmental concerns and health concerns who live in urban centers, plus people who live nomadic lifestyles.

Inspired by Bauhaus design, the epitome of modernism, the BauBike makes artistic use of clean lines and geometric shapes. Creating a functional ride and a piece of art through design, the frame features squares and equilateral triangles limiting all of the lines to 60 or 90 degree angles. The extra open end piece over the back wheel gives you room to add an extra seat or basket.

The Tong City Bike is a great solution for bicycle riders who like to ride at night. The bike is illuminated by integrated light tubes that can be customized to any desired color, making the bike more visible and less likely to be hit by passing cars.

This concept bike, One, provides a real solution to the problems involved with urban transport. With congestion rapidly clogging up the roads, the need for products that can free individuals from their cars are in real demand. When open, One is a comfortable, stylish bicycle that not only offers all the benefits of cycling (like cheap travel and exercise) but with its revolutionary power assist system the user can cruise around with ease. When folded, One turns into a smooth, light and compact case free of all dirty and protruding parts. One can be easily carried, stowed and stored. It is truly a bike for eco and money minded individuals alike. Its stylish design strips it from the folding bike stigma and makes it a bike for the 21st century.

Modern bike created by using Formula 1 and Indy Car racing technology. The Innsenti is basically a tricycle on steroids that is meant for intense exercise or just a leisurely ride. It claims it will maximize your heart rate, burn calories, and keep you in the utmost shape. Upon ordering the machine it is customized for each customer so that the experience is perfectly suited for them.

Amazing unicorn-inspired bike designed by Eungi Kim from Korea.

A major goal of the new design is to offer a fully valuable bike with a great ability to be folded and stored in small spaces (cases, car trunks etc.). A main feature of the design is the circular frame. It allows unusual folding. Both wheels have an overhung mounting. After releasing safety lock nuts the wheels can be turned around a relevant axis into the frame. It is the Locust Folding Bike designed by Josef Cadek.