
World Thorium Fuel Vehicle

 World Thorium Fuel Vehicle

New York designer Loren Kulesus idea for the brand concept Sadillac «eternal» car. According to the author, material and technical filling machine would serve as a hundred years without repair, with a daily operation.

World Thorium Fuel Vehicle

Currently, a breathtaking prototype World Thorium Fuel Vehicle exist only in memory of its founder, but in no case is the thing in itself: the idea of developing a Cadillac WTF designer natolknuli thinking about neekologichnosti traditional fuels and the idea that in the fight with damage to the environment need to explore all possibilities.

World Thorium Fuel Vehicle

Indeed, the life of modern cars are relatively small. Their production, operation and utilization of the negative impact on the environment. To try to break this vicious circle, you need to think really unusual. So, the best source of energy for the car, which is designed to work without a repair and refueling over a hundred years, than a nuclear reactor, is not found. And offering a thorium fuel slaboradioaktivny, Lauren Kulesus assumed that this item has been circulated around the earth’s crust as well as tin, and is less dangerous than uranium or plutonium.

On the other details of Lauren Kulesus not disclosed, but it does not matter – first place for originality in all kinds of design competitions of the project, and so are guaranteed.

World Thorium Fuel Vehicle

Another point is that the principle of the rest of the car also needs to be radically different. The first energy thorium used as efficiently as possible, to bring into the program, which functioned as the nervous system of the vehicle. In particular, this is why the concept has a total of 24 wheels.They are narrow, which allows to have six wheels instead of the ordinary. In doing so, each equipped with its own built-induction electric motor. The vehicle will need wheels to be adjusted every five years, but not replaced, either fully or partially.

In the third construction Cadillac WTF is flexible and can be transformed to a muscle that makes it very intuitive handling characteristics, such as the angle of the wheels, automatically adapt to the surface, depending on exposure to it can vary.

World Thorium Fuel Vehicle

For security purposes, the reactor located at the rear of the car. Surplus energy generated they can be used for charging, for example, batteries other cars.

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