Alexander Gould (aka Shane Botwin) as Nemo – Finding Nemo
Jessica Walter as Fran the Dinosaur – Dinosaurs.
Tim Curry as Nigel Thornberry – The Wild Thornberrys.
George Clooney as the doctor from South Park – The South Park Movie.
Bruce Willis as Spike – The Rugrats Movie.
Michael Cera as Brother Bear – The Berenstain Bears.
Robert Downey Jr. as Patrick Pewterschmidt – Family Guy.
Carlos Alazraqui as Rocko – Rocko?s Modern Life.
Busta Rhymes as Reptar – The Rugrats Movie.
ustin Timberlake was the guy who said ?I?m lovin? it? in the McDonald?s commercials – Not a cartoon, but YOU GET IT.

Frank Zappa as the pope in Ren and Stimpy – Ren and Stimpy.
Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince as Shredder – TMNT.
Alec Baldwin as the bad guy Dennis – The SpongeBob Movie.
Jay Leno as The Crimson Chin – Fairly Odd Parents.
The voice of Lilo is the girl from – The Ring..
Michael J. Fox as Stuart Little – Stuart Little.
Whoopi Goldberg as Fantasy the Book – The Pagemaster.
Vin Diesel as The Iron Giant – The Iron Giant.
Mel Gibson as John Smith – Pocohantas.
Val Kilmer as Moses – The Prince of Egypt.
Dustin Hoffman as Benedict Arnold – Liberty?s Kids.
Burt Reynolds as Charlie B. Barkin – All Dogs Go to Heaven
Adam West as R. Kelly?s Lawyer – The Boondocks.
Stephen Colbert And Steve Carell As The Ambiguously Gay Duo – SNL.
Ringo Starr as the Duck Brothers – Courage the Cowardly Dog.
Kurt Russel as Elvis in Forrest Gump – Also not a cartoon. But let?s just go with it.
J.K. Simmons as the yellow M&M – Flea as Donnie.
Meg Ryan was Dr. Blight – Captain Planet.
Jeff Goldblum voiced the villain Verminous Skumm – Captain Planet.
Sting was Zarm – Captain Planet.
Johnny Cash as the space coyote – The Simpsons.
Grover = Yoda. They are both voiced by Frank Oz.
Captain Hadley from The Shawshank Redemption is also Mr. Krabs.
The guy who voiced Optimus Prime is ALSO Eeyore – Whoa.