

15 Craziest Differences Between Dads And Moms

Our moms and dads tend to approach things very differently, and this often leads to the most hilarious of results. Take a look at these 15 hysterical differences between moms and dads:

1. Mommy’s Instagram post vs. Daddy’s Instagram post.

15 Craziest Differences Between Dads And Moms

2. When Dad visits vs. when Mom visits.

15 Craziest Differences Between Dads And Moms

3. Moms and dads can be so different…

15 Craziest Differences Between Dads And Moms

4. How Mom treats the cat vs. how Dad treats the cat.

15 Craziest Differences Between Dads And Moms

5. Dad’s “no” vs. Mom’s “no”.

15 Craziest Differences Between Dads And Moms

6. Dad knows best when it comes to McDonald’s toys!

15 Craziest Differences Between Dads And Moms

7. What Mom thinks of sales vs. what Dad thinks of sales.

15 Craziest Differences Between Dads And Moms

8. Building Lego with Mom vs. building Lego with Dad.

15 Craziest Differences Between Dads And Moms

9. How Mom wraps presents vs. how Dad wraps presents.

15 Craziest Differences Between Dads And Moms

10. How Mom takes photos vs. how Dad takes photos.

15 Craziest Differences Between Dads And Moms

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