1. The ice broke him.
2. Gravity 1 Gymnast 0.
3. Fire.
4. Electricity.
5. Physics.
6. Moving objects hurt.
7. Air rises in water because its less dense.
8. What goes up must come down.
9. Hydrogen is flammable.
10. Water is a fluid, not a solid.
11. Moving objects generate force.
12. When an object is strained under too much weight.
13. Waves carry a lot of energy.
14. Objects to the face hurt.
15. Water becomes slippery when frozen.
16. The heavier they are, the harder they fall.
17. Energy is always transferred and never destroyed.
18. Glass is transparent.
19. If it has less density than the water, it will float.
20. Unbalanced things will fall over.
21. Cinnamon is deadly.