The man who is selling advertising space on his chin
The woman who sold advertising space on her 42GG cle@v@ge
The woman who sold permanent advertising space on her forehead to Golden Palace.com
The movie producer who used a homeless man as an ad space
The man who auctioned advertising space on his pen!$
A hard-up UK eBayer offered his pen!$ as permanent advertising space – for a starting bid of £3,000. The "genuine auction" vendor explained: "I will have my pen!$ permanently tattooed for advertising your internet company logo," and adds: "If they wish, the winning company of the bid may film the Tattoo being created – this could be streamed live from their website as well as use the footage for later promotions." Sadly, it didn’t state the maximum print size available on the pen!$. He may have lost potential bidders if he failed to measure up to corporate expectations.
Leasing Head for Advertisement
A Chinese man is leasing is head for advertisement and ensure that it will attract 100% of people to read the ad.