
Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

These buildings don?t even know what they are anymore. All of these buildings can be considered triumphs of architecture of complete fails ? it just depends on how you look at them.

1. The stairs that don?t lead to anywhere

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

2. This house that has decided to spawn a smaller house inside itself.

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

3. Slowly leaning forward

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

4. Ermm?

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

5. ?I woke up like this?

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

6. Just hanging out

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

7. It fell over

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

8. Twisty skyscrapers

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

9. Not to be upstaged by the last buildings. Wooahh

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

10. This building is slowly imploding on itself

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

11. They must have fell out with each other

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

12. So messed up?

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

13. The wrong way around

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

14. This one window is seriously upsetting

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

15. That poor balcony feels so unwanted.

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

16. The building that just isn?t sure what it is right now.

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

17. Another imploding building

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

18. You get the idea here.

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

19. Top heavy

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

20. ?Just Landed?

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

21. Not sure if giant box with padlock or an actual building.

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

22. The building that morphed into a sheep.

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

23. Basket block

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

24. A little bit of everything thrown into one makeshift building.

Buildings That Dont Even Know What They Are Anymore

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