Not only are these dogs masters of striking a pose, they know exactly when to do it too. Here are 26 dogs that have mastered the art of perfect timing.

2. ?This bubble is so mine?
3. Just checking if the postman is there
4. This dog has mastered the perfectly timed photobomb
5. Posing with art
6. Is it a bird or is it a dog?
7. This is what dog thinks.
8. This dog appears to be able to breath fire
9. Now that is a pose
10. This little doggy has got wings!
11. The look on this dogs face.
12. Commuting on the train is not what it used to be.
13. ?It?s a thumbs up from me?
14. Hover dogs
15. 4 weeks old and they still cannot figure out what is so different about their baby.
16. Clever dog.
17. The one eyed dog.
18. This dogs cheesy smile.
19. Walking on water
20. The floating head
21. The dog caught day dreaming
22. Another hover dog
23. Keeping it real
24. Those lips though..
25. Happiest dog on the highway
26. And finally. This dogs very best model pose.