
Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

When you are a kid you are innocent and with that innocence comes freedom and naivety that allows you to say anything and everything that comes to mind. Imagine if we did this as adults? we wouldn?t have any friends at all.

Luckily though we can keep our thoughts to ourselves and enjoy laughing at some of the hilariously inappropriate things kids say and do.

1. ?I put this on the fridge because I know you are fat?

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

2. This kid who has mastered the art of forging signatures

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

3. This kid who loves dad for his cat caring capabilities

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

4. ?I am sorry your about to die.?

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

5. An honest opinion on dads worst habit

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

6. Bad news worded in the nicest possible way

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

7. ?My daughter?s list in case anything happens to her older brother?

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

8. This smart answer

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

9. This kid already understands adult life

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

10. This honest review

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

11. ?I see my assassins have failed.?

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

12. ?I tutor at an elementary school and one of the kids had this?

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

13. ?My kid was a bit upset with our WiFi having a password?

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

14. ?My penis is a goat?

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

15. You probably shouldn?t go in here

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

16. This kid wastes no time getting to the point

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

17. This plea with the Tooth Fairy

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

18. This hilarious confession

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

19. This kid who is determined not to have a good day

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

20. ?I?m sad you?re living.?

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

21. But Vs. Butt

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

22. This terrifying realisation

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

23. This honest review of a sibling

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

24. Well at least she is honest

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

25. Still a better love story than Twilight

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

26. Timmy is going to miss the hoe

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

27. This kid knows right from wrong

Hilarious Notes from Kids Who Tell It like It Is

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