
Hilarious Ways To Deal With Problems

While being able to come up with a creative solution in times of need is a vital skill, the people you are about to see took it a bit too far. I’ll admit that some of these idea’s are actually quite brilliant, but they are still so ridiculous, and maybe dangerous, that I will never try them myself. I guess that being both inventive and lazy isn’t the best combination in the world…

"A wheel is a wheel, right?"

Hilarious Ways To Deal With Problems

Personal TV.

Hilarious Ways To Deal With Problems

Personal TV mark 2, high ceiling edition.

Hilarious Ways To Deal With Problems

How hard was it to make this button?!

Hilarious Ways To Deal With Problems

Introducing the sofa-chair!

Hilarious Ways To Deal With Problems

This must be how a spaceships controls look .

Hilarious Ways To Deal With Problems

Soda shower-head.

Hilarious Ways To Deal With Problems

Soda shower-head 2.0, now with extra holes!

Hilarious Ways To Deal With Problems

"Give me a hand with cleaning this window."

Hilarious Ways To Deal With Problems

Duct-tape to the rescue!

Hilarious Ways To Deal With Problems

It’s a portable grill! (fire, coal and safety not included).

Hilarious Ways To Deal With Problems

"Officer I don’t understand what’s the problem, it says right here I’m a taxi!"

Hilarious Ways To Deal With Problems

At least he didn’t get a tape player…

Hilarious Ways To Deal With Problems

"I think I can hold it for a bit longer."

Hilarious Ways To Deal With Problems

The latest in car safety.

Hilarious Ways To Deal With Problems

This is the way real men cook! Not shown in the picture: how real men clean the kitchen.

Hilarious Ways To Deal With Problems

"I just need to paint it black and you won’t even notice it".

Hilarious Ways To Deal With Problems

And now all your shirts will smell sausage.

Hilarious Ways To Deal With Problems

Mr. Coffee is having an identity crisis.

Hilarious Ways To Deal With Problems

"Honey, did you see my mirror?"

Hilarious Ways To Deal With Problems

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