
How Your Computer Would Act If It Were A Person

Witchoria is a graphic designer based in Brooklyn, NY who publishes her creative work via her tumblr blog. One of her most popular series is the Human Error series.

This is exactly how you could imagine your computer acting if it were a real person, and after seeing these you will be grateful it isn?t. It would be SO confusing. So emotional jeez?

A change of heart.

How Your Computer Would Act If It Were A Person

Questioning the very foundations of life.

How Your Computer Would Act If It Were A Person

Are you sure you want to erase all feelings?

How Your Computer Would Act If It Were A Person

This relationship can no longer be restored.

How Your Computer Would Act If It Were A Person

He broke your heart unexpectedly.

How Your Computer Would Act If It Were A Person

Empty heart.

How Your Computer Would Act If It Were A Person

Jeez computer. You have a way with words.

How Your Computer Would Act If It Were A Person

Low self-esteem warning.

How Your Computer Would Act If It Were A Person

Self loathing in progress.

How Your Computer Would Act If It Were A Person

Time to delete those past lovers.

How Your Computer Would Act If It Were A Person

Loading life.

How Your Computer Would Act If It Were A Person

Ready to move on?.

How Your Computer Would Act If It Were A Person

Deleting inhibitions.

How Your Computer Would Act If It Were A Person

Eject heart before switching off.

How Your Computer Would Act If It Were A Person

To trust or not to trust?

How Your Computer Would Act If It Were A Person

Don?t give up, you will lose all progress.

How Your Computer Would Act If It Were A Person

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