
Funniest Peculiar Cats

1. Hitler cat

Funniest Peculiar Cats

Staff at an animal charity named this abandoned kitten "Kitler" – because she bears an uncanny resemblance to the Nazi leader.

2. Cat in a jar

Funniest Peculiar Cats

A kitten who likes to squeeze into empty jars has no fear of getting into the tightest of spots. Ksyusha- a young Himalayan Cat – has been pictured in a variety of poses, including sitting in the washing machine and under the kitchen table.

3. Hunting cat

Funniest Peculiar Cats

4. On-line cat

Funniest Peculiar Cats

5. Nerdy cat

Funniest Peculiar Cats

6. Camouflaged cat

Funniest Peculiar Cats

7. Cat breading

Funniest Peculiar Cats

Latest online sensation.

8. World’s smallest cat

Funniest Peculiar Cats

Meet Mr. Peebles. He lives in central Illinois, is two years old, weighs about three pounds and is the world’s smallest cat! The cat’s small stature was verified by the Guinness Book of World Records in 2004.

9. Courageous cat

Funniest Peculiar Cats

10. Traitor cat

Funniest Peculiar Cats

11. Cosplay cat

Funniest Peculiar Cats


12. Sports cat

Funniest Peculiar Cats

A kitten standing behind a soccer ball about to be kicked sky high.

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