
I Wanted To Wish You

Hey there,
I’m just sending this
because I wanted to wish you…

Comfort on difficult days,
Peace on troublesome days,
Smiles in the face of sadness,

I wanted To Wish You

Rainbows to color your world,
Laughter to burst from your lips,
Sunsets to fill your heart with beauty,
Gentle huge to raise your spirit,
Friendships to warm your life,

I wanted To Wish You

I wanted To Wish You

beauty for your eyes to behold,
confidence when you are in doubt,
faith to fill your heart with belief,
Courage to truly be honest with yourself,
Patience to accept life and its lessons
and love to complete it all.
And if you can’t have all that…

I wanted To Wish You

Then I wish you have enough chocolate
to make it through the tough times ahead!

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