Wall painting in Holland
Moonlight Rainbow Fountain Bridge (WOW!)
Iceland Waterfall
Living On The Edge
Italian statue, almost destroyed…
If JUPITER was the same distance as the MOON
Halfway up a redwood — woman on left / man on right
Halfway up a redwood — woman on left / man on right
Cathedral Cathedral in Spain
(by designe Gaudi)
(*I AM WILD FOR THIS!) Carpet featuring Africa
Mexican snake (resembles basket)
tea fields in Korea
Russian snow tunnel
stacked German helmets from WWI on display in New York
FUN German drainpipe
cliff camping in Norway
largest stockpile of wood – Sweden & denmark – results of hurricane in 2005

HOW COOL – Look at size of blades – atop Wind Turbine
mushroom covered tree trunk
Photo Finish at the Gator Grand Prix
Washington Monument – from top downward
Largest tree in world – GEN SHERMAN
King of the River – Am Gator
(*I want to see this myself!) Coastal Italy
Fall leaves in Japan
graffiti for the literate
Batmobile thro the ages…
down da drain…
eucalyptus rainbow trees
The Roast Less Traveled (FROST) — Montana
I-405, 105 Interchange, Los Angeles, California
Santigo — from above
above HOOVER DAM – 80 yrs ago
overlooking Seoul
I don’t understand it either – but it is FUN – and located in Georgia
Chinese growth — ONLY 30 yrs
Living Bonsai Treehouse
Hahahaha—funny! Uncle Pennybags with paintbrush in Australia
Monblanc’s SKELETON pens
New Zealand countryside
art of ski jumping
eclipse at sunset
Chicago rush hour – 1900
All 4 seasons in one photo
Mt Fuji (a one in a million shot!)
Super Momma!
Central Park – NYC
Japan Yakuza (gangsters)
PARIS…(I sigh…)
fishy dollar bil