

The World?s Most Unusual Plants

These are the top 4 of the most Unusual plants & flowers, enjoy!

1. Rafflesia arnoldii: this parasitic plant develops the world’s largest bloom that can grow over three feet across. The flower is a fleshy color, with spots that make it look like a teenager’s acne-ridden skin. It smells bad and has a hole in the center that holds six or seven quarts of water. The plant has no leaves, stems, or roots.

Amazing Fun With Creatives

Amazing Fun With Creatives

2. Hydnora africana, an unusual flesh-colored, parasitic flower that attacks the nearby roots of shrubby in arid deserts of South Africa. The putrid-smelling blossom attracts herds of carrion beetles.

Amazing Fun With Creatives

Amazing Fun With Creatives

3. Dracunculus vulgaris: smells like rotting flesh, and has a burgundy-colored, leaf-like flower that projects a slender, black appendage.

Amazing Fun With Creatives

4. Amorphophallus: means, literally, "shapeless penis." The name comes from the shape of the erect black spadix.

Amazing Fun With Creatives

Amazing Fun With Creatives

Amazing Fun With Creatives

The World?s Most Unusual Plants

The World?s Most Unusual Plants

The World?s Most Unusual Plants

The World?s Most Unusual Plants

The World?s Most Unusual Plants

The World?s Most Unusual Plants

The World?s Most Unusual Plants

The World?s Most Unusual Plants

The World?s Most Unusual Plants

The World?s Most Unusual Plants

The World?s Most Unusual Plants

The World?s Most Unusual Plants

The World?s Most Unusual Plants

The World?s Most Unusual Plants

The World?s Most Unusual Plants

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