The 2018 Colleges with Most Attractive Girls ranking is based on reviews from students and alumni. At top-ranked colleges both male and female students report that their female peers on campus are very attractive.
45. Stanford University
Stanford girls get an unfair reputation for being bookish and not all that attractive, but if you want to date a future political power player or high profile attorney this is the place to go. And power (not to mention money) is pretty awesome in itself.

Outgoing, social, but everyone is secretly a nerd. Very athletic culture – even the non-athletes find being fit very important. Obviously a lot of geeky people, but for a school this academic, a surprising amount of “normal” people.
44. Washington State University
The girls of Pullman are very solid, and the school is blessed with some of the prettiest cheerleaders in the country.

The face of this sport changed nationwide during 1930 to 1940 as female athletes introduced gymnastics and acrobatics into cheerleading.
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