
Benefits of Fruits on Skin

Benefits of Fruits on Skin

This fruit is the best bet when it comes to skin care, papaya is a good source of Vitamin A and papain. Vitamin A acts as an anti-oxidant, while the papain breaks down inactive proteins and removes dead skin cells. The best feature of the fruit is its low sodium quality. Since the salt content is less, the water retention is also little. The result is an overall hydrated skin. Rub mashed papaya on cracked heels to remove dead cell and make feet softer.

Benefits of Fruits on Skin

Apple is a great source of fibre which keeps the bowels clean, ensuring skin that is free of acne and boils. It is also loaded with phytochemicals that have properties similar to anti-oxidants. Studies have also shown that eating apples regularly can reduce wrinkles and fine lines. Mix a gated apple with honey and apply on your face for five minutes for a hydrated, stress free skin.

Benefits of Fruits on Skin

Peach is packed with potassium and flavonoids apart from Vitamin A. It helps revitalising and hydrating epidermis. The antioxidants help wounds recover faster and prevents signs of early ageing. Grate one peach, mix with sugar and use as a face scrub.

Benefits of Fruits on Skin

This fruit belongs to the citrus family and is best know for its astringent and toning properties. Rub fresh orange peel on your skin to tighten it and lighten the colour. Another useful tip is to take the juice of 2 oranges and freeze it in an ice tray. Rub your face with frozen orange juice cubes. It will instantly freshen you up and lift up the tiredness from your face. The juice will give your dull and oily face an instant sheen. Oranges are a good source of Vitamin C which is known to improve the skin texture and color.

Benefits of Fruits on Skin

Pomegranates are excellent for oily and combination skin. Rich in AHA, pomegranate juice can be used as an astringent and is also a natural toner. Crush pomegranate seeds and use it as a scrub for skin care, this will remove excess oil and make your skin look fresh. Massage pomegranate juice on your face for around 10 minutes and then wash off for an instant glow. Like oranges pomegranates also contain Vitamin C and folic and numerous antioxidants. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and helps in building up the immune system

Beauty Fruit

Benefits of Fruits on Skin

Apples are a great conditioner and toner for your skin. They have amazing skin-healing powers and have been used as a beauty aid for centuries. Add a cup of apple juice to your bath to cleanse and soften your skin. The juice of apple can be used as a breathe freshener too. Apple juice when applied to your hair scalp can prevent dandruff. Use as a final rinse after shampooing your hair. Also, remember, apples are filled with pectin – essential for fighting the dreaded acne.

Benefits of Fruits on Skin

A classic home beauty ingredient. Lemons are used to cleanse and freshen the skin and hair. Use lemon slices to soften rough skin spots such as elbows and heels. Lemon slices also help deodorize and mix a few teaspoons of lemon juice in your bath and you will feel fresh the whole day. Lemon juice can be added to your favourite cleanser or shampoo to refresh and tone your scalp. It also helps prevent dandruff. Lemon rinds can be rubbed on to scars as it aids healing. Lemon is a ,natural bleach it can help to fade out dark spots and acne scars too.

Benefits of Fruits on Skin

Banana is a great emollient for your skin and hair. They are rich in protein and natural fats and can be used on all skin types. An easy facemask that will make your skin supple is to apply mashed banana all over your skin and leave it on for 2o minutes, rinse off with warm water and moisturize after that. Mashed banana also makes a wonderful hair conditioner when mixed with a 1 tablespoon of honey. Perfect for keeping hair beautiful even if dyed regularly.

Benefits of Fruits on Skin

Like papaya, pineapples are great skin softeners, which cleanses and rejuvenates dull and dry skin. Use pineapple slices on rough skin spots like knees, elbows, and heels. Use a slice of pineapple as you would a sponge or loofah to scrub your body in the bath or shower.

Benefits of Fruits on Skin

Papaya- rich in papain enzyme and Vitamin A, is the best treatment for exfoliating your skin. For having a fresh and glowing skin apply mashed papaya and 3 teaspoons of aloe vera gel and massage all over your body monthly. Leave on your skin for no more than five minutes and rinse thoroughly. Use it with caution for the first time as it may sometimes irritate sensitive skin.

Benefits of Fruits on Skin

Peaches are highly emollient and perfect for dry skin types. Mash a fresh peach and combine with a tablespoon of plain yogurt to make a smooth paste. Apply on the skin and leave it on for 20 mins and then rinse off with warm water. Your skin will feel moisturized and supple to the touch.
So, why not start munching on all these healthy fruits and leave some to be applied on your skin too. They are scrumptious and oh so irresistible. They can satisfy your sweet tooth and none of the calories!

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