There are a collection of life lessons that guide us toward happiness and fullness. But the busier we get, the more we forget those lessons. Remembering these life lessons can help us engage in behavior that will bring forth positive feelings and improve our relationships with other people, so always keep them in mind. Let us remind you:
1. Small gestures can mean the most
Sometimes giving a small gift, or sharing a smile while walking by can make another person?s day. Spread positivity with small gestures and watch the world be positive in return.
2. Our self-worth determines how we perceive others’ actions
If you think negatively about yourself, you?re going to assume people are always being negative towards you. Having a self-worth that reflects well on yourself will stop that perception and help you view others? actions as positive towards yourself.
3. Separating yourself from the situation makes the solution easier to see
When you?re head first in a situation and feeling backed up against a wall, finding a solution can be impossible. Moving yourself into a neutral corner of the arena can help you find a compromise that will make both parties happy in much better timing.
4. Don?t take anything for granted
When things are going good, and staying good, we forget that not everything is permanent. Never take anything for granted and appreciate what you have because it could be gone tomorrow.
5. Not everyone is going to like you
You could be the most likable person on the planet, but that doesn?t change that there is going to be someone who doesn?t like you. Once you accept that, it?s easy to move forward with life.
6. We accept the love we think we deserve
If you believe no one should love you, you won?t notice the love that comes towards you. If you believe you are worthy of lots of love, you will notice and accept that love that comes towards you.
7. Everything happens for a reason
Sometimes it can seem that the whole world is against you, but everything happens for a reason. There is a plan for each of us, and sometimes that plan has a few bumps.
8. Approach life with a smile
If you smile at the world, the world will smile back at you.
9. Mean people aren?t mean, they?re hurt
No one is born naturally mean. Those that act rudely towards others are trying to cope with their own hurt, so be kind to those who treat you horribly. They need it.
10. A step back is healthy in a relationship
When you?re in the early stages of any relationship it?s all too easy to jump in and lose yourself. Take some time to clear your head and reflect on where the relationship is going. It will help your relationship in the long run.
11. Every success deserves celebration
It doesn?t matter whether you won the Nobel Peace Prize or just finished filing your taxes, take the time to celebrate all your successes.
12. Take negative people out of your life
In order to live a fulfilling life that makes you feel good you have to weed out the bad. Remove the people who bring you down and see how it improves your daily life.
13. Always do the thing that gives you the most out of life
If the option is to stay inside and watch Netflix or to go to a gallery opening, choose the option you believe will help you grow emotionally and in your knowledge. Always choose the option that gives you the most.
14. Be well rounded, but focus on what you love
It?s important to know a little bit of everything in order to be a well-rounded person. However, choose things that mean the most to you and focus on them (sailing, criminal law, etc.) ? it?s important to have true interests, not just general knowledge.
15. Remind people how much they mean to you
Promote good relations with those in your life by reminding them how much they mean to you. Send them a note or even an email. Keeping those relations is important in having a well-rounded life.