Visions become reality when Acted Upon
Follow your Dreams
Dreams are basically sensations, ideas that occur in different stages of sleep. People see different type of dreams good dreams, bad dreams and the dreams that they want to happens in real life. Most of people use the word dream in a sense like the things they wanted most to happens and achieve in their life. But dreams do not come true by just thinking and without any work. But if you want your dreams to come true in real life then you always have to work hard because without hard work you can?t get success in your life. All people in this world have some dream in their mind that they want to achieve, like someone wants to become an engineer, like someone wants to start his business which later on will grows with time. The person having passion and courage of what they want to achieve always get their goal in their life.
That is a little bit introduction about dreams, if you have a dream in your mind and you have a little bit motivation then you do not have to worry.