I love powerful images. They transport me to other parts of the world I might otherwise never see. These striking images show the world from all different angles, walks of life and distances. Every one of them offers a different kind of beauty, telling a unique story.
Pedestrian crossing trompe l’oeil
Students lining up to have Steve the Custodian sign their yearbooks

This pup will grow up to be a guide dog
Yoga on the edge, in Trolltunga, Norway
Penguin pool party
The snow?s artful gift: ice grill
On the left, Earth from Mars and on the right, Mars from Earth

The lights of Rio at night
Iceland?s Dynjandi Waterfalls
Rare sight: a quadruple rainbow
Typical winter day on the Canadian railway
Flirting houses
Hard to tell: Is it a pirate ship or a kite of a pirate ship?
Turtle hitches a ride on the back of a crocodile
Cypress tree lined avenue in Point Reyes, California
A car sculpture issued a parking ticket
Nature loves a contrast
Banyan: Strangling fig tree
Alaska?s own Aurora Borealis, near Bear Lake
A wet water walkway in Croatia
Trick of the eye or the biggest puppy ever?
Metropolitan Tokyo
Snow creates Canadian Gothic
Strawberry up close
Rwandan cycle team stop to see snow for the first time
George Peabody Library in Baltimore
China?s Guangxi Province