Beautiful river deltas flow across our planet, largely going unnoticed both for the incredibly complexity and the benefits they have for over 500 million people around the world. They play the important role of distributing sediment from rivers to the shorelines.
It is estimated that 1 out of 15 of the world?s population lives and works on one of 40 major deltas across the globe. When viewed from space their true scale is revealed and they appear like the major arteries and blood vessels of earth.

Bijagos archipelago, West Africa
The Gulf of Papua, Papua New Guinea
The Lena Delta, Russia
The delta in Ganges River, Bangladesh
Mississippi Delta in Louisiana, United States
Shanghai, China
Khatanga River delta in Siberia, Russia
Bombetoka Bay, Madagascar
Betsiboka estuary in Madagascar
The delta in Ganges River, Bangladesh
Cairo, Egypt
Lena delta in Russia ? false colouring highlights the varying landscape.
The Volga Delta, Russia
The Yukon river delta, Alaska