Look again! The ‘hyper-realistic’ paintings that fool the eye into believing they are photographs
With their sharp lines, clear colours and distinct shapes, these images look like the work of a gifted photographer
But look closer – a lot closer – and you might do a double-take.
Because these are actually oil paintings by Spanish fine artist Pedro Campos.

Long legs! The attention to detail on this painting – from the curve of the legs to the shadow on the wall, is breathtaking

Incredible: Everything from the reflection of the tin to the crumpled bag makes this picture worth studying in depth

Good enough to eat! The meticulous attention to detail makes this clear bag of fruit look like it’s a photographic image

This sweetie jar is a treat for the eyes and looks so real it could be a treat for the tastebuds
Mr Campos makes his stunning ‘hyperealistic’ creations using just a canvas, oil paint and paint brushes.
And the outstanding results has galleries and the public left reeling with astonishment.
Concentrating on every day subjects, the artist’s bright pieces are striking, glossy and have a sharp attention to detail.
Mr Campos’ attention to the tiniest of details – from the curve of an ankle, to the shadow on a wall, to the shine of a plastic bag, gives his creations a truly magical, realistic effect.

Mind and eye-boggling: Mr Campos even manages to capture even the soft shine of the strawberries, right down to the soft folds of the plastic bag

The shading on all of the parts and the metallic finish of the chrome components are unbelievably good

How does he do it?! The Madrid-based artist used to decorate nightclubs

The artist chooses to focus on everyday subjects to make his pictures even more interesting
Mr Campos’ artistic foundations began in nightclubs – he started decorating bars and restaurants when he was younger, and also worked for advertising agencies as an illustrator.
He studied art restoration in Madrid, working on furnishings, paintings and sculpture.
But from 30 he finally began oil painting and developed a portfolio as a fine artist.
The clarity of his work is in high demand.
He is represented by the Plus One Gallery in Pimlico, Central London.

Beep beep: Even the faint reflections of the books are painted in the glossy surface

This could be a photograph of the real thing as Mr Campos even includes the reflection of the window frames

Work of art: The artist honed his skills studying art restoration, and now can produce these works that mimic life beautifully

Caught on canvas: This luscious-looking bag of fruit brings the subject alive with the astonishing realistic look

Like looking into a mirror: The artist turns his talents to this mind-bending picture – it’s enough to make you dizzy thinking about it