
Apple And Cinnamon Cupcakes Recipes

Apple And Cinnamon Cupcakes Recipes

Apple And Cinnamon Cupcakes Recipes

Apple And Cinnamon Cupcakes Recipes

Apple And Cinnamon Cupcakes Recipes

Apple And Cinnamon Cupcakes Recipes

Apple and cinnamon are a classic flavour combination.
Here is an easy recipe that?s full of sweet spiciness.

Apple And Cinnamon Cupcakes Recipes

Preheat oven to 200°C. Line a muffin tray with 12 paper cases.
Mix 125g soft, unsalted butter with 125g soft light brown sugar,
until pale and fluffy.

Crack in two eggs and beat until well mixed.

Stir in 140g self-raising flour and ½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon.
Peel and core two medium-sized eating apples and
chop into approximately 1cm large cubes.

Stir three-quarters of these into the cake mixture
and then fill the cupcake cases.
Push in a few of the remaining cubes of apple into the top of each cupcake.
Bake for 15-20 minutes, until cooked.

When cool, dust with icing sugar.

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