
Facebook Is Worth $50 Billion

8 Charts That Show Why Facebook Is Worth $50 Billion

01 Facebook Reaches 70% of US Internet Users. That’s Up From 48% In Aug. 2009

Facebook Is Worth $50 Billion
Image: Imran Khan, JP Morgan

Goldman Sachs made it official: Facebook is worth $50 billion.
And coincidentally, J.P. Morgan analyst Imran Khan put out his annual report on the state of the Internet earlier today, which has some statistics to explain why.
You knew that Facebook was big, but exactly how big might surprise you. More after the break…

02 Users Spend 10% Of Their Time On Facebook

Facebook Is Worth $50 Billion

Image: Imran Khan, JP Morgan

Facebook surpassed Yahoo this year, but it’s also way ahead of Google, where users mostly come to search and then leave

03 More Than Half Of Facebook Users Visit Weekly

Facebook Is Worth $50 Billion

04 Facebook Is Driving Way More Traffic Than It Used To

Facebook Is Worth $50 Billion
Image: Imran Khan, JP Morgan

Its influence is particularly growing in e-commerce: traffic from Facebook to Amazon is up more than 3x from a year ago.

05 Facebook Connect Is Used By More Than 250 Million Users Per Month

Facebook Is Worth $50 Billion
Image: Facebook

This expands Facebook’s reach way beyond its own site.

06 Heavy Facebook Users Are Addicted To Games

Facebook Is Worth $50 Billion
Image: Imran Khan, JP Morgan

This chart of game usage shows how Facebook isn’t just a site, but a platform–like Windows for operating systems and Google for Internet search advertising. This is also great news for social gaming companies like Zynga, Playfish, Crowdstar, and Playdom.

07 Facebook Is Even The Number-Four SEARCH Site Worldwide

Facebook Is Worth $50 Billion
Image: Imran Khan, JP Morgan

08 Internet Ad Spending Is Still Catching Up With Time Spent Online

Facebook Is Worth $50 Billion
Image: Imran Khan, JP Morgan

This is good news for all online properties who rely on advertising, but particularly Facebook, where users spend more time than at any other site.

09 Now, Check Out Facebook’s Move Into Email

Facebook Is Worth $50 Billion
Image: Robert Scoble via Flickr

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