Do you like traveling? But now, your budget does not have to travel long or you do not let go to work? Do not rush to get upset! We suggest you to go on an exciting journey without leaving your favorite chair, with this mail. All of the most amazing and spectacular objects in the world to appear on your computer screen in online mode. Are you ready? Then let’s go!

1. Abbey Road. This famous British street is inextricably linked with the group «The Beatles». Most of the songs the band recorded here.

2. Times Square, New York. The camera is located on the square in the center of Manhattan. Camera position changes.

3. Blue Lagoon. This is the most popular resort of the world geothermal. In Iceland. It’s time for us to go there!

4. Tallinn Zoo. Modern infrared webcam installed in a place where only recently given birth leopardiha young cubs. You can watch the kids all day and night!

5. The International Space Station (ISS). Dreamed of visiting in the cosmos? Then this is for you! American Space Agency (NASA) launched the video stream from the webcam outside the ISS. Streaming video is sent to Earth while the astronauts are asleep – from 22 to 10 pm Moscow time. In the remaining hours online NASA indicates the current location of the station in Earth orbit and trajectory.

6. Tembe Webcam. With this web camera, you can look at nature around Africa and even admire the giant-eared elephant. Camera set in Kruger National Park.

7. Niagara Falls. Beautiful and majestic waterfall, which tell us so much in school geography lessons.

8. St. Isaac’s Cathedral. We offer you to enjoy the beautiful cathedral of St. Petersburg. Video with sound.

9. David Ghost Cams. Are you skeptical about the existence of ghosts? The owners of this home centennial claim that their haunted house and want to prove it with the help of seven web cameras, placed around the historic building.

10. The Hollywood Sign. Are you a passionate fan of Hollywood movies? Then the camera is pointed at the huge letters chetyrnadtsatimetrovye «HOLLYWOOD» in the California hills, be sure you will be pleased.