Summer is here! Time to get outdoors and play some sports. But not just the regular boring kind, we have a list of goofy, weird, interesting, fun and cool sports you have to try this summer. Ready, Set, Go!
Water Zorbing Race. Now this looks like fun! Although keeping balance could prove to be a problem.

Freestyle Canoeing. Look at gramps go! This is like regular canoeing, but with tricks and twists of your own imagination.

Hermit Crab Racing. Silly people…

Mud Pit Belly Flopping (MPBF). Yes! You also get to see lots of hot girls in bikinis 😉

Quidditch. Any Harry Potter fans out there? This looks totally goofy, but we’re all for unconventional here.

Segway Polo. I prefer horses to segway, but looks pretty cool anyway.

Cat Surfing. Take your furry pal on a ride of his life! He’ll probably hate you afterwards though.

Toe Wrestling. Interesting, and Eww to the guy who is sucking on that toe, I think he’s at the wrong convention.

Underwater Hockey. This would take hours, but hey summer is the time to have loads of free time.