Spotting them is not very difficult. They are the ones with a flair for the unconventional and a spark in their eyes that glows brighter every time an idea occurs to them. We’re talking about creative folks. People who dream, imagine, ideate, create and basically turn anything they fancy into a thing of beauty. A creative person can die a pauper but her biggest fear is to die unrecognized. Hence they will go out of their way to stand out from the crowd. Here’s how they manage to do that.
2. You Will Not Recognize Their Caller Ring Back Tune But They Will Be Sure To Tell You Why They Chose That Song

3. They Have A Witty One Liner To Diffuse Any Tense Situation

4. They Tend To Get Lost In Thoughts During Long Meetings Yet Seem To Have Just The Best Answers When You Quiz Them On A Problem

5. Their Status Updates Will Always Make You Smile Or Think Or Both

6. They Keep Experimenting With Their Look And Are Often Trendsetters

7. They Will Agonize For Months On Which Tattoo Design To Get Inked In But When They Finally Get That Tattoo It’s Nothing You?ve Ever Seen Before

8. They Buy The Most Unique Birthday Gifts. And If You Are A Special Friend They Will Make The Gift With Their Own Hands

9. From Doodling On A Napkin To Sketching On Notebooks, They Leave A Mark Wherever They Go

10. They Drool Over Pretty Fonts And Discuss Them Like You And I Discuss The Lives Of Film Stars

11. Because For Them There?s Nothing More Important Than Great Design