
A Chinese Family Living In Toilet

A Chinese Family Living In Toilet

Chinese Family Lives in Abandoned Toilet
Many people who aren’t satisfied with their living conditions have probably never heard about one remarkable man from China.

A Chinese Family Living In Toilet

Zeng Lingjun didn’t have enough money to pay for the college, so he moved to Shenyang ? the biggest city in northeast China ? and started to work as a cobbler.

A Chinese Family Living In Toilet

At first the man had only 50 yuan ($8) in his pocket, but due to his hard work and high cobbling skills he was soon earning around 2,000 yuan ($315) per month. Still, it wasn?t enough to afford the decent apartment, so Zeng Lingjun moved into the abandoned toilet in one of the hotels.

A Chinese Family Living In Toilet

Now the man is married and has a small kid. The Lingjun family all live in the toilet which is just 19 square meters in size. However, the man managed to find the room there even for a tiny cobbler workshop. Zeng Lingjun had once saved up enough money to buy a normal room, but he had to come back to his old toilet house because it was too expensive to keep it.

A Chinese Family Living In Toilet

A Chinese Family Living In Toilet

A Chinese Family Living In Toilet

A Chinese Family Living In Toilet

A Chinese Family Living In Toilet

A Chinese Family Living In Toilet

A Chinese Family Living In Toilet

A Chinese Family Living In Toilet

A Chinese Family Living In Toilet

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