Sunland Baobab is a well-known enormous baobab tree in South Africa. It is one of the largest baobabs in South Africa with a circumference of 47 meter, or 33 meter, depending on who you believe, and a height reaching 19~22 meter. Regardless of the actual figure, everyone agrees that it is the widest tree on the entire continent. It is so big that there’s room enough for a small pub inside. The Sunland Baobab is understandably, one of the area’s most popular attractions.

But Sunland Baobab wasn?t hollowed out artificially so that a pub could be placed inside. The trunk of this remarkable species is naturally hollow. The small pub inside the tree was created in 1933, and if you visit it today you will still be served a drink. The bar has 13-foot high ceilings and can comfortably fit 15 people inside. The tree is situated on a farm owned by the Van Heerden family, who take care of this majestic specimen.
Besides its remarkable dimensions, the baobab is also one of the oldest trees on earth. Carbon dating has estimated it to be around 6000 years old.
The Sunland ?Big Baobab? is in Modjadjiskloof in Limpopo Province, South Africa and is famous internationally for being the widest of its species in the world. Africa is symbolised by these magnificent trees. The Sunland Big Baobab is carbon dated to be around 6000 years old. The Sunland Baobab has even made the front page of the Wall Street Journal! When baobabs become a thousand years old, they begin to hollow inside. In the Big Baobab this has resulted in wonderful caverns and caves, where the world famous Baobab Tree Bar and Wine Cellar now amaze visitors. The tree bar can accommodate more than 60 people!

Carbon dating has been used to estimate the Big Baobab?s age at ± 6000 years. To put this in perspective the tree is possibly older than the Giza Pyramids and was certainly here thousands of years before the birth of Jesus Christ. When the first leaves sprouted the Sahara Desert was still lush and green and our Iron Age ancestors were roaming the land.

Sunland Baobab, Limpopo Province ? This is the entrance to a bar found inside the hollow trunk of the tree. Image credit South African Tourism
They squared off a natural vent in the trunk to make a door and installed a railway sleeper pub inside the trunk, complete with draft beer, seats, a music system and space for nearly 60 people. A wine cellar has been installed in a second hollow, with a constant temperature of 22° C, ventilated by natural vents. The tree blooms gloriously in spring. It is home to many bird species, including two pairs of owls.

Inside the Sunland Baobab tree, Limpopo Province A small bar can be found inside the Baobab Tree.

Sunland Baobab Tree, Limpopo Province ? It took several people to stand around the tree joining hands – note its relative size next to average human beings, Quite impressive.

Sunland?s Baobab is 22 meters high, and is some 47 meters in circumference. It is still (and is likely to remain so) “the record holder for the species”, according to the SA Dendrological Society. In 1993 the van Heerdens cleared out the hollow centre of the tree, removing masses of compost build up, to uncover the floor about a meter below ground level. In the process they found evidence of both Bushmen and Voortrekkers, attesting to the historical importance of the tree.

Sunland Baobab and Pub A massive trunk.
Sunland Baobab and Pub Inside the tree.