
7 Incredible Benefits Of Exercise On Health And Brain

We’ve been bombarded with promotional messages about supplements and different types of foods that can boost your brainpower. A recent study, however, claims that simply working up a sweat may be enough, however!

Brain health decreases with age, with the average brain shrinking by about five per cent per decade after the age of 40.

7 Incredible Benefits Of Exercise On Health And Brain

In lieu of this fact, researchers from the Western Sydney University in Australia examined the effects of aerobic exercise on a region of the brain called the hippocampus, which is critical for memory and other brain functions.

Here are 7 incredible ways exercise can benefit the health of your brain:

Betters your mood

7 Incredible Benefits Of Exercise On Health And Brain

Exercise has an overall effect on mood, with some studies suggesting just five minutes of activity is enough to alter mood state. Exercise increases endorphins and other chemicals that make you feel good and enhances your overall sense of wellbeing.

Can increase your IQ

7 Incredible Benefits Of Exercise On Health And Brain

One of the largest studies ever done tried to shine some light on the subject. Data from over 1 million Swedish men were used and the researchers found something interesting. There was a convincing link between cardiovascular health and performance on IQ tests.

Can increase your focus and concentration

7 Incredible Benefits Of Exercise On Health And Brain

Physically fit people have increased control over their ability to focus attention as measured by a challenging cognitive task. The people who were trained over several months also saw these benefits.

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